Excitingly New York is about to be ticked off mine. Dad and I are going for a whirlwind trip, to see the latest fashion trends. These should translate to our New Zealand Winter 2016. We will see what's being worn, what the shops are selling and if the trends will last. It may sound glamorous but we will be hitting the pavement all day and time will escape us. Rest assured I will try my hardest to wrangle some glamour into the trip. Righto... what is in the suitcase?
#1 Comfy shoes
With a bad hip, back and a body of a 70 year old I would comfortably say I'm not a high heel girl. I actually intend on this item to be my first purchase on arrival (don't worry I have packed backups). I'm really into the Sports Luxe look at the moment and I'm eyeing up the plain white Adidas Superstar sneakers.
#2 Dresses
Wearing a dress is the most practical outfit when shopping, it's easy to whip on and off. A dress is also extremely versatile, for the evening just change your shoes, bag and add a jacket - voila!
#3 Leather Jacket
My new fits the bill perfectly here. Easy to throw on to ease the chill.
#4 Outfits
I like to suss out outfits options before I travel anywhere, then I know I'll have something to wear for day/night, casual/dressy. Plus this is a great way to keep the suitcase light and ready to be filled with goodies.

If only it was this easy! In reality I use the process of elimination. Everything comes out, the wardrobe gets a tidy up and only the selected few get to be so lucky and come along!

Trip expectations
The question is, what do I think we will see and will I be right? I can tell you now from my online browsing, mag reading and range viewing I'm expecting everyone to be dressed like the 70's show! Warm oranges, flares, florals and tassels.
Born in the 80's I'm excited and completely up for this. Talking to others who have been through the 70's already, they don't feel the same enthusiasm. Time will tell.
Sophie xx